Stimme meines HerzensThe voice in my heart3 little butterflies
Here we go
About us
Our songs
Son brother friend
Guest book

 I wrote this song  in the days of  teariness and reflects my feelings to our  unforgotten son Gregor.

A wunderful joung lady  from our village played the violin. Thank you Salome.

Brothers in arms

Brother and sisters

Best friends ever: Nino,Phillip and Dominik

Please wait, song starts soon...

The voice in my heart:

The voice in my heart says  “No, you can’t go”

I can never forget you  my heart aches so.

Endless dark nights  please say it’s not true

Is there meaning in life? I haven’t a clue.
The voice in my heart into the world is cryin’

Faith, love, and hope, one of these is mine

The voice in my heart,  asks “How?” and “Why?”

You just left me here,  without a last goodbye.

I will never forget you, one day we’ll meet again

Many long winters ,will come and go till then

The voice in my heart, into the world is cryin’

Faith, love,and hope, one of these is mine.